Healthy & Active Lifestyles

Healthy & Active Living Basics

The Delaware Public Health District recommends these key tips for living a healthy lifestyle. If you’re just starting out trying to make healthier changes, first, talk with your health care team. Then when starting to make positive lifestyle changes, try selecting one or two of these activities, and add more to your daily routine over time.

Incorporate a variety of healthy foods in your eating habits. Emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat free or low-fat milk, milk products and alternatives.

Added sugars are commonly added to processed and prepared food and drinks.  One 12-ounce can of regular soda or pop contains about 10 teaspoons of added sugars. “Rethink Your Drink” and try swapping sugar sweetened beverages with unsweetened choices.

The amount of physical activity you need depends mostly on your age but has many short and long term benefits for all ages. However, if you are unable to meet recommendations, try to be as active as you can. Learn more about the recommendations for different age groups here.

  • Try to move more, and sit less. Try to get a mix of aerobic, muscle, and bone-strengthening activities each week as appropriate for your age. Aerobic activities make your heart beat faster, muscle-strengthening activities help to build muscles, and bone strengthening activities help you to grow stronger bones. Limit TV and computer time, especially for young children
  • The intensity of an activity can be measuring several ways. Moderate- or vigorous physical activity is recommended weekly for everyone 6 weeks and older. More information on measuring intensity is available here.
  • Remember that some physical activity is better than none at all. If you have trouble doing physical activity, be as physically active as your abilities and conditions allow.

As you age what you need to be physically active may change, and it’s important to participate in activities that can help improve balance. You can learn more about what you can do to add more physical activity as an older adult here.

Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke greatly increases your risk of heart disease and respiratory symptoms If you don’t smoke, don’t start. If you do smoke, quitting will lower your risk for heart disease. Too much alcohol can raise risks for developing chronic health conditions, injury, and can cause other harm to those who drink and those around hem

Current and Upcoming Activities, Programs & Events

The Delaware County CHIP is a long-term effort taken on by a multi-sector collaboration of partners and community residents to address health problems through developing goals and strategies which can help prioritize projects and resource efforts. To work toward improving health behaviors outcomes, the following strategies are recommended:

  • Adopt healthy food initiatives
  • Promote healthy lifestyle practices through education and skill building
  • Community fitness programs
  • Promotion of physical activity through the adoption of built environment changes and green space

If you are interested in learning more about the 2023-2028 CHIP, and the work we are doing in this area, please reach out to us!

The 2024 Healthy Communities Micro Grant (HCMG) proposal submission period is now closed. Please contact  Josie Bonnette or another member of our Community Health team on ways to get involved with promoting physical activity, healthy eating, and living a healthy and safe lifestyle.

HStepping Up to Prevent Falls (SUTPF) Coalition – Quarterly Meeting

The goal of the Stepping Up to Prevent Falls Coalition is to prevent injuries and deaths caused by falls among older adults by convening a group of committed, local partners to implement evidence-based strategies to prevent falls including increasing falls risk assessment, building systems for home assessment and modifications, and increasing access to balance and mobility trainings.

The SUTPF Coalition meets virtually at least once per quarter. The meeting is held on the 1st Thursday in March, June, September and December from 12pm – 1pm. If you are interested in learning more about preventing falls among older adults or attending the SUTPF coalition meetings, please contact Taylor Jaggers.

Josie Bonnette

Taylor Jaggers

Aly Hillier

Minimize Risk, Maximize Life — a program for adults of all ages who would like to learn about reducing the risk of problems related to alcohol consumption, for themselves or their loved ones, is once again being offered.
To learn more about MRML and upcoming classes, please contact Aly Hillier.

The Adventure Connection Guide is a partnership between the DPHD and Preservation Parks of Delaware County. This guide includes an index of various outdoor activities, and information about where someone can go to get more information on how they could participate or try out that activity. We hope you are encouraged to use this guide to help find an adventure in your backyard.

Impacts of falling for aging adults are serious and go beyond just the physical harm, but also affect emotional wellness and quality of life. Those who survive falls and/or serious injury may face consequences such as reduced mobility, chronic pain, increased financial burden or healthcare costs, or new fears around falling, 

Click here to learn ways the Injury Prevention Program at DPHD can help to prevent falls in older adults.